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  • Application information

    To become a police officer you are required to undertake a recruit training program. Depending upon your background and experience, there are a range of different pathways. All applicants will need to complete an application form and meet all of the requirements. It is important to note (even at this early stage) that the application form and requirements may vary, dependent on the pathway. The decision as to which pathway is best suited to you will be determined by QPS Recruiting.

  • Entry Pathways

    The Queensland Police Service offers a range of pathways through which individuals can pursue their careers.

  • First Nations Entry Pathway

    The QPS offers positions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in its First Nations Recruit Preparation Pathway (FNRPP).

  • Multicultural Recruit Preparation Pathway

    The Multicultural Recruit Preparation Pathway (MRPP) is available to recruit applicants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

  • Previous police experience (ex QPS)

    If you have separated from the QPS within the last two years, contact Recruiting for advice on eligibility.

  • Previous interstate police experience (non QPS)

    The QPS invites applications from current or recently serving police officers with experience in an interstate jurisdiction.

  • Previous international police experience

    Foreign nationals with policing experience may be eligible to apply to the Queensland Police Service (QPS).

  • Special Constable (State officer)

    Frontline general duties policing in times of demand and on short notice throughout Queensland.

  • Important questions

    Still have questions about a career with QPS? Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page.

  • Contact us

    Phone: 1300 BE A COP (23 2 267)
    +61 7 3015 3388 (for overseas enquiries)


    Contact hours: 8am - 3:30pm, Monday - Friday

    Visit us:
    Recruiting Centre
    Ground Floor
    Makerston House
    30 Makerston Street
    Brisbane QLD 4001